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Tiling and mechanical component testing

Project engineers and managers in this part of the world sometimes do not consider the mechanical component of a building. As a result of this, there are leakages in the piping aspect of the building after tiling. This further leads to unnecessary and undue maintenance and repairs.


What is the Mechanical component?

The mechanical component of a building is simply the water supply and waste going in and out of a building, also called “plumbing piping”. It entails all forms of pipes going in and out of the building.

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Why must I conduct the mechanical component testing?

To prevent unnecessary expenditure and time wasting on removal and relaying/replacement of tiles.


How do I conduct mechanical component testing?

Mechanical component testing is also called pressure test. The steps are as follows;

1. Put an overhead tank in place

2. Fill it up with water

3. Allow the water to pass through the whole supply/piping network

4. Use stopcocks to block all the water exits

5. Allow the water to be contained in the pipes for at least 24 hours. By so doing, any leakages will show on the surface. This can now be corrected before tiling.

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